
Thursday, August 25, 2016

Mountain of Laundry



Mind Of  Motherhood

If you were to drop by my house you'd have a hard time trying to find the couch. Its covered by the mountain of laundry. I think we all have it one time or another. This big heaping pile of clean laundry.
 Every day I tell myself , If I can only get caught up, then I can keep it up. Boy was I ever wrong!!!!!!! I was so nervous to blog this at first. It seems so embarrassing to me. But lets just face it, I have 4 kids and a man. We have 6 in our household. This is a NEVER ending thing. This picture is what I see daily in my life. Yes, this embarrassing picture of laundry is in my living room for all to see. You might be thinking it was all washed today and is just waiting to be put up?? WRONG!! This mountain has been sitting here week after week. Steady getting bigger and bigger, a few days it gets smaller as we all dig in it looking for things to wear. But for the most part it GROWS. *insert SIGH here*  How do you moms keep up with all the laundry when you have 20 million other things going on??  I will gladly take advice from other mothers who have conquered the MOUNTIAN OF LAUNDRY!!!!!


  1. This is super funny. I will be sharin.

  2. Sounds like my place

  3. I have no idea how to follow this blog. Please help. I love your post so much

    1. I am still working on that. Lol. :)

  4. I now have a follow button.

  5. Thxs for sharing
